Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ice storm of 2010

On January 28th we had the worst ice storm this area has had in over a hundred years they said. It was horriable. I will never forget that day, they had been telling us about it on the news for a few days but the weather predictions are almost never right in Altus. Well this time they were right except it was way worse than they had predicated. They canceled school at like six that morning so they kids and I were at home and Glen was on his way to Lawton of all things for a meeting, around 11am all you could hear was ice hitting the house soon the power went out and then all you could hear was the sound of all the trees and power poles around us cracking and hitting the ground, cars, and houses. The power was out in town for 7 days, but mom and dad didn't have power for 2 weeks at least they have a generator and a fireplace though. We finally broke down and bought a generator in Lawton after not having power for 5 days. We have a gas stove so we were able to cook and we boiled pots of water to kind of warm the house we brought our mattress into the dining room so we were close to the stove. I can't ever remember the power being out in town for more that one night, let me tell you this made me appreciate all the modern things we have so much more now than I ever have and we only had to live like that for a week we are so lucky and blessed to have what we do now days.

This is the only picture I took this is the parking lot of Taco Bell its kind of dark but if you click on it you can see why the power was out for so long. They probably had about 16 bradford pear trees they were so pretty in the spring when the flowers bloomed, lets just say whats left of them now is far from pretty and thats the case for almost all the trees around i've never seen anything like what happend that day and hope we never do again.

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